In The News
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The international prestigious science journal, The Journal Of Gemmology just published in the issue Volume 34 No 6 the analysis results of Heart Of Pearls project written by Oliver Segura , director of the French Gemological Laboratory in Paris.
The laboratory tests include reversibility marking required by the profession, low visual impact that our technology provides and the multi-level coding system.
Pearl Marking, An innovative Non-destructive Method.
Heart Of Pearls JoG 2015_34_6
The revival of the pearl culture industry.
At a time when sustainable growth lies at the heart of every consideration, the cultured pearl market is well aware of its advantage: responsible practices - environmental and social - are actually linchpin. (by Romain Rivière)
LeBijoutier_813 (French & English version)
Redonner ses lettres de noblesse à la perle de Tahiti. (par Philippe Binet)
LA DEPÊCHE DE TAHITI (French version)
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